Scholastic, Freerice.com, Kahoot.com, Storybird.com, Flocabulary.com, Newsela, Grammarly, https://ywp.nanowrimo.org/ (National Young Writers Program).
This Day In History at History.com, ncovid19.live website, CNN election coverage, “Geo Bee Quiz” search for 10 question online quiz, icivics.com
- Pearson- specific login info will be provided asap to continue curriculum based learning.
- Flipgrid responses: once everyone is online
Daily enrichment: Explore these sites, try out the activities, write about what happened/you observed/you learned in your daily journal
- California Academy of Sciences: https://www.calacademy.org/academy-home?mpweb=1018-11071-152564 ;
- Cornell Lab of Ornithology: https://www.allaboutbirds.org/news/how-to-make-these-next-few-weeks-a-little-easier-courtesy-of-birds/
- Exploratorium: https://www.exploratorium.edu/explore/activities
Khan Academy https://www.khanacademy.org/
Moby Max https://www.mobymax.com/moby-learning
Physical Education:
English Learners: https://www.elpac.org/
Photography: Pixlrx, Pixlr Express
Social Emotional Learning:
Some fun activities for the family to do together:
- NO TECH TABLE TIME: Have a no technology dinner night. Have everyone store phones and other distractions away and enjoy a meal or snack together.
- HOME THEATER: Make some popcorn and curl up as a family with a good movie. All other distractions turned off and put away. Take it up a notch by moving things around to make it more of a theater experience. Bust out some blankets or build a mini fort or get some extra cups from a local restaurant or theater and make it feel like the real thing. Afterwards talk about the movie as a family by sharing favorite parts or lessons learned. · Here are some fun activities to use for family time.
- THEIR THING: Offer to spend time with a family member doing something that you know means a lot to them. For example, playing chess with grandpa or learning the new video game your child loves. Even though it might not be interesting to you, investing in other people's interests is a great way to have them feel appreciated and validated. ·